Hypnotherapy For Tinnitus: How You Can Have Symptom Relief

hypnotherapy for tinnitus, a man looking stressed

Tinnitus is a common problem affecting a range of individuals on a daily basis. If you are suffering from tinnitus, you are likely to hear sounds of ringing, buzzing, whistling and hissing in either one or both ears. For some, these sounds may be continuous, persistent, intense and bothersome, whereas, for others, the sounds may come and go. 

For people seeking help with tinnitus, there is no quick fix to instantly make the symptoms go away. However, one remedy for tinnitus that has been known to work effectively is hypnotherapy.

Before we dive into what hypnotherapy for tinnitus entails, let’s understand some common symptoms of tinnitus.

Tinnitus Simplified

help with tinnitus, a man covering his ears

1 in 10 people is said to suffer from mild to moderate tinnitus at some point in their lives. Tinnitus usually involves high-pitched sounds that constantly ring in your ear, making it difficult to perform daily tasks. 

Some people experience low-level noise in their ears that is more background than something that is evidently bothersome. For others, high-pitched rumbling sounds that drown out other sounds are common. 

Although tinnitus is rarely a symptom of any serious underlying conditions, it can still affect your daily life. If you experience a constant ringing in your ear, it is likely to affect your concentration levels and may lead to other issues like depression, insomnia, or headaches.

Why Consider Hypnotherapy?

hypnotherapy treatment for tinnitus, a man lying on a couch

Hypnotherapy is one of the oldest and most effective alternative treatments that can help you deal with several issues like insomnia, depression, anxiety and more. Hypnotherapy for tinnitus usually involves using hypnosis and other selective techniques to help you open yourself up to explore your subconscious mind.

The reason why hypnotherapy emphasises the exploration of the subconscious mind is that, often, the issues we face have roots beyond the conscious mind. To be able to effectively deal with them, hypnotherapy sessions encourage you to delve deeper within yourself and identify your blocks. With the right techniques and guidance, you may achieve symptom relief. 

The Basics of Sound and Hearing

a man's ear

Before I tell you about how hypnotherapy can help with tinnitus, let us talk about the basics of sound and hearing

Whenever you hear a sound, it is usually collected by your external ear in the form of vibration. This vibration is further processed and passed along the acoustic nerve to your brain, where your temporal lobes make sense of it. 

The brain then decodes the information received and gives you extra information about details like the pitch, duration, quality, timbre, etc. What this means is that while you are receiving a sound from the ear, you are actually hearing it in your brain.

When you suffer from tinnitus, your typical response to symptoms is likely to be fear-based. You are probably going to feel confused, anxious and may be in a state of panic. There is no telling when the sounds will stop and it may feel like you are simply losing your mind.

These negative emotions set off a fight-or-flight response in the body which is usually generated by your unconscious mind in tangent with your autonomic nervous system. This further triggers anxiety, fear and frustration. 

How Hypnotherapy for Tinnitus Helps With Symptom Relief

tinnitus hypnotherapy, a man looking sad

When it comes to hypnotherapy for tinnitus, we focus on working with your subconscious mind. 

A lot of the time, the reason why tinnitus symptoms last for a long time is due to the fear and anxiety you feel when they are occurring. To put it simply, if you are aware of the sounds of tinnitus and feel fearful or anxious about them, you are placed in a situation where you cannot consciously ignore the sounds or reduce them. 

That is why in my sessions, we will work together to remove any fear-based response you may have towards tinnitus sounds. With age-old hypnotherapy techniques, I will help you bypass your conscious mind to reach the subconscious

Once we achieve a calmer mindset, I will use selective positive suggestions that will be targeted to help you maintain a calm, positive attitude while also improving your overall self-control. Over time, we will eliminate all automatic negative responses towards tinnitus and replace them with positive ones, which will ensure that you are less affected by tinnitus. 

Every hypnotherapy session is different because it is personal to each individual. That is why once you begin tinnitus hypnotherapy with me, you will receive solutions that are specific to your symptoms. You need to simply relax and open yourself up to healing and watch how wonderfully you progress over time.

Contact CityHypno for Tinnitus Hypnotherapy

It can be difficult for those who suffer from tinnitus to live without the anxiety of having to deal with symptoms. This also puts you at risk of being stressed and frustrated and may gradually lead to serious problems like insomnia and depression. 

If you suffer from tinnitus, you can take positive action now. 

Contact CityHypno for personalised sessions of hypnotherapy for tinnitus. In my sessions, I will help you deal with all negative emotional responses to tinnitus which will help you lead a more positive, fulfilling life.

In addition to that, I can also help you deal with a variety of other problems like anxiety, stress, migraines, eating disorders and more. 

Learn more about my treatments here.

To schedule a hypnotherapy session, contact us now

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