What Causes Procrastination and 7 Simple Tips to Deal With It

stop procrastinating; a stop sign with a procrastination sign above it

Procrastination is a huge problem. Many people have great trouble completing tasks on time and adhering to deadlines because they are prone to procrastinating habits such as doom scrolling on social media, daydreaming or simply lacking the motivation. precisely because of their problems with procrastination

Although most people believe that avoiding procrastination is easy, it is often more complicated than what is first assumed. If you’re needing advice on how to stop being a procrastinator, I invite you to have a hypnotherapy session with me. We’ll discuss any confidence and anxiety issues, identifying techniques for better time management to avoid procrastination. With my guidance, you’ll have easy procrastination solutions at your fingertips and be able to perform better at work and in your personal life.

that one simply needs stronger willpower to overcome this issue, the truth is much more complicated. 

There are several reasons why procrastination has taken over a large population of the world today. Similarly, there are a number of ways to deal with it depending upon the causing factors. 

In this article, you will find out why we procrastinate, and I’ll also walk you through a few simple but powerful tips to stop procrastinating.

Why Do We Procrastinate?

The Double Minded Dilemma 

Our minds are often classified into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious mind

The conscious mind is the one we possess strong control over, and it is the part that assists self-control. The conscious mind also provides motivation for most short-term tasks and most of our rational thinking. 

However, we barely have any direct control over the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind absorbs traumas, experiences, fears, and more. 

These experiences, subconsciously, affect the way we feel, the decisions we make, and our fight or flight responses. The subconscious mind also causes the anxiety we feel in certain situations and, if strong enough, overpowers the decisions of our conscious mind.

How Does Procrastination Work?

In order to begin working on a certain task, we require stable self-control backed by a strong motivator. 

In certain situations, our subconscious mind throws a couple of demotivators at us, such as the fear of failure, the fear of looking foolish, uncertainty, lack of a reward, the fear of the unknown, lack of self-confidence, and so much more. 

When these demotivating factors outweigh the motivators, we have procrastination in front of us. We avoid the task at hand for as long as we can in order to save ourselves from any negative feelings. 

Furthermore, procrastination can also be the product of poor mental health or a mental disorder such as ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, OCD, etc. 

Every single person who procrastinates usually does it in one of the above-mentioned situations. However, there are a few simple steps one can follow in order to stimulate the brain and avoid procrastination.

Are you wondering how to reduce procrastination? The next section lists some simple ways for avoiding procrastination.

Let us find out what they are.

7 Simple Tips to Deal With Procrastination

1. Create a Detailed Plan and a Backup Plan

Any time you begin working on something, create a detailed schedule of how you are going to work on that task and adhere to the schedule, no matter what.

While at it, make sure you also create a backup plan in case you fail to adhere to your previously made schedule. 

2. Break Up the Task into Smaller Tasks

Before you begin to work on anything, break up the task into smaller tasks in an attempt to prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed. This way, you can steadily work on the task bit by bit without any anxiety or pressure.

3. Complete the Easier Tasks First

It doesn’t matter where you start. What’s important is starting the task. 

Completing the easier tasks first will boost your confidence. Moreover, when you complete the easier tasks without a lot of trouble, you will be motivated to work more efficiently and complete the rest of your work.

4. Remove All Distractions

One of the leading causes of procrastination is distractions. With the number of distractions around you in this digital world, it can be hard to concentrate on work.

A good idea is to turn off your mobile phone or any other electronic devices that distract you and request the people around you not to disturb you for a while. This way, you will concentrate more efficiently and avoid procrastination. 

5. Motivate Yourself With a Small Reward

A lack of motivation is one of the leading causes of procrastination. When the mind thinks there’s no real reward for completing a particular task, it decides to hold off on it until the last minute. 

To avoid this, you can motivate yourself with small rewards after every task or every part of the task. This way, you avoid procrastination and treat yourself now and then. 

6. Forgive Yourself

If you’re wondering how to stop being a procrastinator, try hypnotherapy with Susannah Saunders. Many procrastinators suffer from a variety of negative emotions, such as stress, frustration, guilt, and anxiety. 

If you feel your emotions taking over your schedule, instead of fighting it and beating yourself up, take some time to relax and let the feeling pass. Forgiving yourself for the time lost can help you avoid further episodes of procrastination and help you get on with your schedule without further disruption.

7. Use the Pomodoro Technique

If you are looking for procrastination solutions, you must follow Pomodoro Technique. This is a popular time management strategy that will help you in better managing your time and avoiding procrastination

Using this technique, you set a timer for 25 minutes for concentration times and then take a 5-minute break. Resume work for the next 25 minutes, followed by a break. After you complete four pomodoros, you take a longer break of 15 minutes. 

Contact Me for Hypnotherapy for Procrastination

If you’ve tried all the above solutions and still have trouble avoiding procastinationwith procrastination, then the problem may be  deep-seated in your subconscious mind. 

Don’t worry, though; I’ve got a solution for you. I’ve been in the industry for a long time now, and I’ve realised that every mind is unique in how they perceive the world.

Procrastination is no different. Everybody has their reasons to procrastinate, and with my hypnotherapy sessions, I intend to help you work on them. 

With my experience in inspiring a positive change in so many people, I can help you dive into your subconscious and help battle the underlying issues. Although it’s not easy to achieve this in just one day, with every passing session, you shall feel a change in your habits and feel much better.

At CityHypno, I deliver the best to my customers and connect with them on a deeper level. Therefore, to fight procrastination, I am here to help you with everything you need.

To find out more, book an appointment with CityHypno today!

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