Cognitive Hypnotherapist London
Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy can help when you’re feeling anxious, stressed, worried, or even angry. Do you find you feel unable to control your emotions? Perhaps you turn into a completely different person, incapable to think rationally and become totally consumed by these problematic feelings? It might feel like the way you are feeling has completely taken over your body and mind? Does this sound all familiar? My cognitive hypnotherapy sessions in London could provide you with a life-changing solution.
This uncontrollable state that I referred to, is also known as ‘emotional hijacking’. It’s not uncommon and it’s definitely something I can help beat. I work with people to overcome emotional hijacking, focusing on solutions and providing them with the tools to deal with the way they think when faced with these overwhelming feelings. Cognitive hypnotherapy can change a person’s behaviour, so they can continue living their life in a more positive way.
What is cognitive hypnotherapy?
Designed to manage a person’s problems by changing the way they think, cognitive hypnotherapy combines elements of hypnotherapy and traditional cognitive behavioural therapy, along with positive psychology and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Cognitive behavioural therapy is centred around talking, helping people to understand how they think and feel while looking at how that might have an impact on their behaviour. The element of hypnotherapy takes this one step further, with my patients entering a daydreaming like state, as I direct and guide them in making those changes needed to manage their behaviour.
When using cognitive hypnotherapy, I understand and respect that everybody’s experiences and emotions are completely different. I listen to my patients and hear how they are feeling, before working with them to change how they handle challenging situations. Cognitive hypnotherapy has a real focus on a person and their capacity to change themselves, so I look at providing tailor-made sessions for people with the goal to transform the way they feel, think and behave.
What is cognitive hypnotherapy used for?
Cognitive hypnotherapy can not only help with emotional issues including anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, panic attacks and anger management but I can also support people who are suffering from physical health problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and skin conditions too. I can also help people to combat unwanted bad habits, like smoking and teeth grinding, as well as phobias and weight management.
Within my sessions, you will be totally in control the entire time, as I take you to a level of relaxation that suits you. My job isn’t to take control of you, it’s to guide you and your mind. I work with you, to use your direction and needs to get you to the place you want to be. We work together to re-wire and re-work your brain, as I support you in learning tools and techniques to help you manage your emotions going forward.
I am a cognitive hypnotherapist in London but can offer my sessions across the globe thanks to the internet. I have been successfully treating clients overseas via Skype and Zoom for a number of years, so wherever you are in the world I can provide you with the same professional service that my clients receive face-to-face.
Is cognitive hypnotherapy the right path for you?
- Do you find you are unable to control negative feelings, such as anxiety and worry?
- Do negative feelings take over your mind and body?
- Do negative feelings stop you from behaving rationally?
- Are problematic emotions impacting your life?

Susannah Saunders
Hello, my name is Susannah. I am a clinical hypnotherapist and life coach in London with over 20 years of experience helping people to enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life. Get in touch to find out more or book an appointment in London today.