Hypnotherapy for Presentation Anxiety

Overcome presentation nerves with hypnotherapy in London and online

Does the thought of giving a presentation fill you with anxiety? Maybe you worry about your mind going blank or looking unprofessional. You’re not alone – many capable people find themselves losing sleep over an upcoming speech, dreading the moment they have to speak.

This happens because your brain sees presentations as a threat, triggering the fight-or-flight response. Your body floods with adrenaline, making it hard to think clearly or stay calm. But just as your brain learned to react this way, it can also learn a new, more confident response.

Using a blend of hypnotherapy, NLP, and coaching techniques, I can help you retrain your mind so you can feel calmer, more in control, and able to speak with confidence.

Do you suffer with presentation nerves?

About Susannah

Susannah Saunders

Hello, my name is Susannah. I am a clinical hypnotherapist and life coach in London with over 20 years of experience helping people to enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life. Get in touch to find out more or book an appointment in London today.

Speak confidently and calmly with Hypnotherapy, NLP and Coaching

Through hypnotherapy, I can help ease your presentation anxiety by retraining your brain’s response to speaking in front of others. I’ll guide you through NLP techniques to quiet the mental and physical reactions that cause nerves, so you can feel calm and in control.

We’ll also reframe negative thought patterns so that presenting feels more natural and even enjoyable. While everyone’s journey is different, many clients soon notice a positive shift as they start applying these techniques.

With hypnotherapy you can:

Presentation Anxiety Hypnotherapy in London & Online

My private London hypnotherapy practice was founded in 2003. I have been awarded the Senior Qualification of Hypnotherapy Practice (SQHP) from the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) and the HPD from the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH).

For more information on how I can use hypnotherapy to help you overcome your presentation anxiety in my London hypnotherapy practice or online, get in touch. We can talk through your difficulties and I can explain how I might be able to help.

For additional information on presentation anxiety, you may find these links helpful:


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